jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

“ISO-9000 ISO 9001 – ISO 14000”

  ISO 1400 and ISO 9000 and their importance to a Company

ISO 14000 and ISO 9000 is the standard, and ISO 14001 and 9001 is the document containing the requirements

There are many standards that an organization must meet in order to make sure that their products are in the best quality as possible before introducing them to the public. Society and people in general are increasing their expectations of the quality that the products must meet in order to become popular. The standards set out for the products not only include the satisfaction for the buyer, but also the satisfaction to the entire world in the methods employed for the manufacture of the product. Two of these standards that I have mentioned previously include the ISO 9000 and the ISO 14000, standards established worldwide for the production and satisfaction of the public. The ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization, whose mission is to be the leading platform for the production of the global and market International standards.

Starting with the ISO 9000 which is a standard used in over 161 countries around the globe that helps all kinds of organizations succeed through improved customer satisfaction, staff motivation and a continuous product improvement. The ISO 9000 consists of two different values that add up to the importance of this standard. These standards are the IS0 01, 04 whose main focus is the requirements necessary to meet certification, and the guidelines for performance improvement accordingly; they are main factors affecting the introduction of the standard ISO 900. We can say that the ISO 9000 is employed for the improvement in the management quality as well as the actual quality of the product. The quality management does of course include the fulfillment of the organization to comply with the regulations established for those products or services.

On the other hand, the ISO 1400 takes into consideration a broader aspect of the completion of a product. The ISO 14000 specializes in the control of the environment. What this means is that the organization is able to minimize the harmful effects of the fabrication of the product to the environment. The ISO standard implements a list of steps that the organization must follow in order to fulfill its goal. Some of these steps previously mention include, education on the content of the standards, the analyzing of shortcomings gaps, a timeline of the implementations steps on the gap analysis, determination of the position of the company towards the environment and the requirements of the ISO 14001,but overall, the time to run the environmental management system.
Even though the standards ISO 14000 and 9000 at first seem as two very distinct values for a company to keep in mind, they are in fact not to different from each other. We can begin by looking at both companies in a macro scale. The two standards conclude in the observation and prevention of unsatisfactory effects to their clients, either the environment or a specific person. Both standards are generic standards applicable to any organization not matter its size, whatever their product or service might be, and of course not dependant on their location around the world. In a micro scale both standards are concern in the way in which an organization goes about the completing o their work. One important factor that we have to keep in mind when we are exposed to the ISO standards 14000 and 9000 is that they are not, product or service standards they are process standards necessary for the fabrication of a product.

In conclusion even though both ISO standards 14000 and 9000 are considered two distinct process standards required for the product of a company, they are in fact dependant on each other for the completion of the best product possible. Both standards look at different aspect necessary for the manufacture of a product, which must be kept in mind if the organization wants to be a leader company in its field.

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