viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010



Benchmarking is like many others strategies followed by an organization in order to improve or in some cases change completely, specific aspects that are not working for the organization. Benchmarking is basically learning from other organizations by the means of comparing each other, and after that applying those results to the organization that is testing for the results.

There are six main types of benchmarking including generic and global comparisons. Some of the things that organizations tend to compare against the most competitive organizations would be the product and the service that they provide.

In conclusion benchmarking is used by organizations to become more aware of what things they should change in order to become more productive, and of course giving them a better position in the field.


There are many ways in which a company or an organization could become more efficient and one of these skills could definitely be outsourcing. Outsourcing is mainly the action of obtaining goods and services from an outside source. (Dictionary)

The consequences of outsourcing could be either good or bad for the company. The good outcome could include better profit for the product and in some cases even a better product. But like I mentioned before there are also bad consequences and the main one is the risk that you will be taking by doing so.

In conclusion outsourcing could lead a company to either great things or in the worst of the cases it could lead them to a bad ending. Whatever the case is it is up to the company to cope with their results in the best way possible.

"outsourcing."'s 21st Century Lexicon., LLC. 10 Sep. 2010. .

Alliance Strategic

The business world that we live in today has become very competitive; most of the time companies unite with common goals in order to achieve their goals with more ease, and to have a better understanding and plan to achieve their goal.

Companies As a result, many companies are following a new strategy that is called alliance strategic, which is when two companies form a team in order to achieve something greater than what they would achieve individually.

There are different types of alliances and different steps in the formation process that all lead to the greatness of the company. In conclusion if the alliance strategy if taken seriously could lead the companies involved to an era of prosperity to both.

Sigma Six

Electronic companies have many defects; some defects are due to the lack of design and engineering on the merchandise that they offer. Nevertheless, a new strategy designed by Motorola, which is called sigma six, is used to improve the way technology is created.

The strategy calls for the analysis, measurement and improved control on their merchandise. When success is reached they gain quality improvement. This ends up being a good thing since their products are quality and satisfy the crowd.

In conclusion the sigma six gives Motorola popularity among the consumers, giving them bigger profit to their company.

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