viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

How to do public presentations?

Most people are afraid of speaking public; many of the reasons come from distrust of himself. Having confidence in oneself is a skill that not many people have, as you grow we obtained values, skills, etc., From which a child can feel the confidence level will be in the person where the child is afraid of getting into a game or afraid to go to school, when they have fear for making new friends etc. For this reason people should also teach parents how to foster their children the trust.

Trust that can do things that nothing is impossible only what they are limited, that their ideas are good, which has much in them to give, is that parents instill a culture of caring and support for their children, when they have problems and difficulties with any task that appointing them, motivate them to be made and that they perform well, who are proud of what they did and that they are proud of how things are done.

Tips to improve confidence:

• Being a person who is not bothered when he observes that the other does not give the reason.

• Do less to the other when it expresses opinions with which you disagree.

• Being a person who keeps your criteria and let others run on their own, without this diminishing the relationship "warm" between them.

¿What is a presentation?

A presentation is the process by which content has a theme for an audience this is a way to provide and display information is used as a support to express the results of an investigation or to expose a subject of deep study, or simply aid so that the information given is better received by the public.

A presentation can take text, images, videos and audio files. In a presentation involving both the individual factors mentioned above as serving as an aid to the exposition of the subject, when these two types of factors are jointly presentation will be a success.

Tools Used in a presentation

• projector

• laser

• videos

• PowerPoint Slides, etc.

Basis for making a presentation

• Identify the objectives of the presentation

• Identify the main idea

• Research on the subject to exhibit (10 to more bibliographies)

• To summarize all investigated, extracting main ideas and deepen them

• Study the information and purified

• Make slides of the information to expose practice one or two times if necessary or if you do not have good control over time.

Tips To make a good presentation

• Dress presentable, clean and for the presentation

• appropriately control a voice audible to the public (not shouting, not too low)

• Observe the public, so they know that we are interested in the subject is taught

• have a good visual aid to keep better track development

• try to explain each point of the topic deeply to prevent the greatest number of questions

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