viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

The Leadership Motivation Assessment

How motivated am I to lead?

According to the test to check how much motivation I have to lead, I realized that indeed I do have a very strong one. Most of the questions asked in this test were very personal questions and what I can get out of it is that this questioner could be applied to a daily use. This test taught me that a leader could be found within each of us, by the actions that we take and the reasoning behind our decisions.

Some of the questions that I found to be the strongest ones to prove that I have a strong motivation to lead would be question number 13 when involved in group projects; I am inclined to let my ideas be known. I found this question to be very strong because it is asking about my personality and how I would react to certain problems that I have faced or will face in the future. Another question that I found to be very strong would be, when they asked stated that people take my ideas, and run with them. This question was in indeed a strong question because it applies very much with what happens within my life. However, one question that I found to be very weak would be question number 5. Team accomplishment is more important to me than my own personal accomplishments. I found question 5 to be very weak, because it could be taken either way or could be applied to many different situations.

Things that I could improve in my way of leading would be, the way in which I react to when I am working within a group. I think that many of this questions asked in this test leads me to think that working within a group could be improved, because many of my questions where negative ones, and improving this would be one aspect that could lead me to be a better leader, in many more aspects.

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